Building stuff on the Internet.

Why I rebuilt ProseMirror’s renderer in React

Feb. 6, 2025

For almost five years, I worked on the New York Times’ rich text editor, Oak. It’s used by over a thousand journalists at the Times to author nearly every story that’s published to the site. It needed to support Google Docs-style collaborative editing and a “what you see is what you get” (WYSIWYG) experience, so that journalists could work together and see how their writing was actually going to appear to readers.

As you might imagine, this was not a simple application. Setting aside the complexity incurred from building on top of a content management system that was over a decade old, Oak was software built for professionals, and it showed. It supported complex workflows and had a practically uncountable number of features. And, honestly, it was still very usable, and it even looked nice!

The Times’ website is written with React, which is one of the big reasons that Oak was written in React. We were able to author React components that could be used by both the reader-facing website and Oak, which meant that journalists were working in an editor that looked quite a lot like the reader-facing website.

But even without that advantage, React would have been a good choice for Oak. It was an app with a large amount of state, and that state drove a very complex user interface. In many ways, it was exactly the type of application that React was designed for.

The other library that Oak was written with was ProseMirror. Nowadays, there are really wonderful libraries like Lexical and Slate.js for building rich text editors with React, but back in 2017, ProseMirror was basically the only game in town. And besides, ProseMirror is a brilliant library. ProseMirror documents are modeled around the notion of a Schema — a kind of blueprint for a document — that allows developers to declaratively define what kinds of content their editor can edit, and how that content can fit together. If you’re not familiar with ProseMirror, it may be worth taking a moment to read through the Library Guide to get a better sense of how it works.

Unfortunately for us, React and ProseMirror do not play nicely together. When I first joined the Oak team, in 2019, my onboarding included a several-hour whiteboarding session on Oak’s frontend architecture. This included a deep dive into “The Seam,” the adapter layer that we’d built between React and ProseMirror. The Seam was… gnarly. Everyone had their suspicions that it wasn’t quite correct, in the formal sense, and that the transient, hard-to-reproduce editing bugs that users often reported were probably due to something in its implementation. I remember this whiteboarding session clearly, because it was in that session, on my second day at the Times, that I decided what I was going to do. I was going to fix The Seam.

It turned out, this was very much not a one-engineer kind of job. Instead, over the next four years, our whole team learned the ins and outs of both React and ProseMirror. We deepened our knowledge, even going as far as to produce educational materials for new team members. And over time, we became able to pinpoint precisely where React and ProseMirror disagreed, and started to come up with plans for better solutions.

As it happens, React and ProseMirror actually have very similar philosophies about how to manage the DOM. Both libraries maintain a sort of “virtual DOM”, a tree structure that’s very efficient to update, which maps to the actual DOM that the browser uses to render the web page. Both libraries also separate state from the view, and use that state to drive the view unidirectionally. The differences between how they implement these philosophies are small, but they’re very important.

React separates updates into two phases. Phase one is the “render” phase, and phase two is the “commit” phase. In the render phase, React traverses the component tree to update the virtual DOM. Because updating the virtual DOM is very fast (at least, relative to updating the actual DOM), the entire virtual DOM is computed from scratch (with some exceptions) during each render phase. Then, during the commit phase, React traverses the virtual DOM, finds places where it differs from the actual DOM, and uses this diff to make minimal updates the actual DOM.

This flow is strictly unidirectional — React expects all changes to happen to state first, and then it will translate those state updates into view updates. If React-managed DOM is directly modified outside the React lifecycle, React will revert those changes during the commit phase.

ProseMirror renders and commits all at once. Because it’s common to dispatch a transaction (a description of a change) and then immediately inspect the document to, e.g., update the placement of a widget, all updates to the ProseMirror synchronously update the DOM. Also, the relationship between ProseMirror state and the view is not strictly unidirectional — because of how complex and underspecified text editing behavior is in web browsers, ProseMirror often allows the browser to handle a change, then inspects the document to determine what change happened.


Let’s walk through a first approach at integrating React and ProseMirror, so that we can feel out the issues at play. The first thing that we want to be able to do is render the ProseMirror EditorView, the component responsible for managing the actual interactive text editor, from within a React component. We’ll need to construct the EditorView in an effect hook for two reasons:

  1. The EditorView needs to be provided with a DOM node to mount the editor on, just like ReactDOM’s createRoot function. That means we need to hold off on creating it until after React has committed changes to the DOM.

  2. Creating and updating the EditorView will produce “side effects.” Specifically, the EditorView will modify the real DOM.

"use client";

import { useLayoutEffect, useRef } from "react";
import { EditorView } from "prosemirror-view";
import { EditorState } from "prosemirror-state";
import { doc } from "./doc";
import { plugins } from "./plugins";

export function ProseMirror() {
const mountRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null);
const viewRef = useRef<EditorView | null>(null);

useLayoutEffect(() => {
if (!mountRef.current) {
viewRef.current = null;

viewRef.current = new EditorView(mountRef.current, {
state: EditorState.create({
}, []);

return <div ref={mountRef} />;

Try it out!

This actually works fairly well! And indeed, many React/ProseMirror integrations look just like this. It works just fine for simple editors, but things start to get more complex as we add features. Let’s try adding a simple tooltip that shows the user what position they’re at in the document.

Note: if we were building this feature without React, we would use a ProseMirror plugin that implemented a widget decoration or a plugin view for this tooltip. But, as mentioned earlier, in any other context, this is exactly the kind of feature it makes sense to reach for React to build, and the premise of this integration is that we should be able to use React to add more complex features to our editor.

import { EditorView } from "prosemirror-view";

interface Props {
view: EditorView | null;

export function PositionTooltip({ view }: Props) {
const position = view?.state.selection.anchor;
const coords =
position !== undefined ? view?.coordsAtPos(position) : undefined;

if (!coords) return null;

return (
className="absolute bg-white p-1 shadow-md"
style={{ top:, left: coords.left }}
pos: {position}

Try it out!

… Huh. That didn’t work at all! At the moment, the entire ProseMirror integration lives in a ref (viewRef), so it doesn’t trigger a render when it updates. To fix this, we need to lift the EditorState out of the EditorView and into React state, so that it will trigger a re-render when it’s updated. Let’s give that a shot. We’ll create a new React state hook to hold the EditorState, and use ProseMirror’s `view.updateState()` API to update the editor after the EditorState changes.

"use client";

import { useLayoutEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";
import { EditorView } from "prosemirror-view";
import { EditorState } from "prosemirror-state";
import { doc } from "./doc";
import { plugins } from "./plugins";
import { PositionTooltip } from "./PositionTooltip";

export function ProseMirror() {
const mountRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null);
const viewRef = useRef<EditorView | null>(null);

const [editorState, setEditorState] = useState(() =>

useLayoutEffect(() => {
if (!mountRef.current) {
viewRef.current = null;

if (!viewRef.current) {
viewRef.current = new EditorView(mountRef.current, {
state: editorState,
dispatchTransaction(tr) {

}, [editorState]);

return (
<div ref={mountRef} />
<PositionTooltip view={viewRef.current} state={editorState} />

Try it out!

This is much better! The tooltip actually renders, for one thing. And as you move your cursor around, the tooltip follows, just like we intended. There’s a pretty big issue, though. Try typing something at the end of the last sentence. The cursor positioning totally breaks!

We’re again running into React’s two-phase update cycle. We call view.coordsAtPos(position) during the render phase, but that method inspects the DOM to determine its coordinates. Because we’re in the render phase, the DOM hasn’t been updated yet! Just like when we set up the EditorView, we need to move this call into an effect hook so that it executes at the end of the commit phase, after the DOM has been updated.

import { EditorState } from "prosemirror-state";
import { EditorView } from "prosemirror-view";
import { useLayoutEffect, useState } from "react";

interface Props {
view: EditorView | null;
state: EditorState;

export function PositionTooltip({ view, state }: Props) {
const position = state.selection.anchor;
const [top, setTop] = useState<number | null>(null);
const [left, setLeft] = useState<number | null>(null);

useLayoutEffect(() => {
if (position === undefined || !view) return;

const coords = view.coordsAtPos(position);

}, [position, view]);

if (top === null || left === null) return null;

return (
className="absolute -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-full transform rounded bg-white p-1 text-xs shadow-md"
style={{ top: top + window.scrollY, left: left }}
pos: {position}

Try it out!

Still no dice. The positioning still breaks when the document changes! The issue here is that the DOM that view.coordsAtPos() is inspecting isn’t owned by React at all — it’s owned by ProseMirror! We update ProseMirror’s state and DOM in a layout effect in the <ProseMirror /> component, which is executed after the layout effect in the <PositionTooltip /> component.

Fixing this is going to take some thinking, so we’ll just take note of it for now and come back to it later. We may as well start a list, as we’re going to run into a few of these.

To-do list

Devise a system for deferring layout effects in child components until after the EditorView has updated its DOM

Before we move on, there’s one more subtle issue here that’s worth exploring. When moved the EditorState into React state, we updated our <PositionTooltip /> component to read the current selection from this new state value, instead of from the EditorView. What would have happened if we’d left it as is, reading from the EditorView’s state?

import { EditorState } from "prosemirror-state";
import { EditorView } from "prosemirror-view";
import { useLayoutEffect, useState } from "react";

interface Props {
view: EditorView | null;
state: EditorState;

export function PositionTooltip({ view }: Props) {
const position = view?.state.selection.anchor;
const [top, setTop] = useState<number | null>(null);
const [left, setLeft] = useState<number | null>(null);

useLayoutEffect(() => {
if (position === undefined || !view) return;

const coords = view.coordsAtPos(position);

}, [position, view]);

if (top === null || left === null) return null;

return (
className="absolute -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-full transform rounded bg-white p-1 text-xs shadow-md"
style={{ top: top + window.scrollY, left: left }}
pos: {position}

Try it out!

Funky, right? The tooltip only moves after every other selection change. The underlying issue here is one of state tearing. During the render phase of this component, depending on where you look, you can find two different versions of the EditorState. If you look in React state, you’ll find the newest version — the state that’s about to be committed to the DOM. But if you look in ProseMirror state, you’ll find the previous version — the state that matches most recent DOM commit.

This is going to be another challenge to address, and one that will show up in slightly different forms throughout this journey. Let’s add it to our to-do list:

To-do list

Devise a system for deferring layout effects in child components until after the EditorView has updated its DOM

Ensure that ProseMirror’s state can only be accessed when it matches React’s state

Assuming we can address these issues, we have a rough idea of how to render a ProseMirror editor within React. What about rendering a React component within a ProseMirror editor? The ability to develop custom, stateful node views is one of ProseMirror’s biggest draws for the Oak team. It allowed us to build an editor where the controls were always local to the part of the document that they controlled, which in turn made the editor much more intuitive to use for our journalists.

As an example, let’s build a simple custom node view for an image node that allows us to choose whether an image is left-aligned, right-aligned, or centered. We want the interface for controlling the image alignment to live right below the actual image it applies to, so that it’s clear to the user what will happen when they take an action.

import { Node } from "prosemirror-model";
import { EditorView, NodeViewConstructor } from "prosemirror-view";
import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client";
import cx from "classnames";

import { AlignmentButton } from "./AlignmentButton";

interface Props {
node: Node;
view: EditorView;
getPos: () => number | undefined;

function ImageNode({ node, view, getPos }: Props) {
return (
<div className="my-4 flex flex-col gap-2">
{/* eslint-disable-next-line @next/next/no-img-element */}
className={cx("shrink grow-0", {
node.attrs.alignment === "left" || !node.attrs.alignment,
"self-center": node.attrs.alignment === "center",
"self-end": node.attrs.alignment === "right",
className="flex gap-4 self-center"
<AlignmentButton alignment="left" view={view} getPos={getPos} />
<AlignmentButton alignment="center" view={view} getPos={getPos} />
<AlignmentButton alignment="right" view={view} getPos={getPos} />

export const image: NodeViewConstructor = (node, view, getPos) => {
const dom = document.createElement("div");
const root = createRoot(dom);
root.render(<ImageNode node={node} view={view} getPos={getPos} />);
return {
update(updatedNode) {
if (updatedNode.type !== node.type) {
return false;
root.render(<ImageNode node={updatedNode} view={view} getPos={getPos} />);
return true;
destroy() {
// Prevent ProseMirror from handling events from within the
// node view's buttons
stopEvent(e) {
if (!(e instanceof MouseEvent)) return false;
if (!( instanceof HTMLElement)) return false;
let el =;
while (el) {
if (el.dataset.pmControls) return true;
el = el.parentElement;
return false;

Try it out!

Let’s break that down a bit. First of all, we’re creating a custom ProseMirror node view. That looks like a function that takes the node and EditorView as arguments, along with a few others, and returns an object that implements the NodeView API. Importantly, this NodeView object must have a dom property that is synchronously set to a valid DOM node. This introduces a challenge right off the bat: ReactDOM’s render function isn’t synchronous!

Essentially all React/ProseMirror integrations work around this constraint the way we do here: by producing a wrapping <div> element to hand to ProseMirror, and then asynchronously mounting the React component into that element. This turns out to be surprisingly fraught, as default browser editing behavior tends to delete these wrapping elements in some cases, but we’re going to stick with it for now!

We should also take a look at how we’re actually rendering our React component. This approach creates a new React tree, rooted at our wrapper div, for each node. So if there are thirty images in our document, we have thirty React trees. These trees are disjointed — their updates aren’t tied together in any way, and we can’t share context between them. This means that if we wanted to use a global state management library, like Redux or React Query, we would have to wrap each node view in its own top-level provider.

It also means that DOM updates happen asynchronously, and we can’t predict when they’ll be committed. If we have some widget that we’d like to position in the corner of our image node, there’s no clear place to call view.coordsToPos() where we can be sure that a newly inserted image has been rendered to the DOM. Let’s walk through the sequence of events to understand why this is:

  1. A user clicks a button to insert a new image.

  2. The event handler runs, which calls view.dispatch(), passing a transaction that inserts the new image into the document.

  3. The EditorView dispatch method calls the React state setter.

  4. React executes its render phase, calling our component’s render functions. We know from earlier that it’s not yet safe to check the coordinates here, as the EditorView hasn’t been updated with the new state yet.

  5. React executes its commit phase. Changes are committed to the DOM, and effect hooks are run. This does not include the ProseMirror document updates, as those are handled entirely by ProseMirror, and won’t be kicked off until the ProseMirror component’s layout effect runs.

  6. React runs the layout effects for our widget component. Again, we’ve already learned that we can’t check for coordinates safely here, because the layout effect for our ProseMirror component runs after all of its children’s layout effects, so it hasn’t updated the EditorView with the new state yet.

  7. React runs the layout effect for our ProseMirror component, which updates the EditorView with the new EditorState, and commits its updates to the DOM. Earlier, we decided that this was where it would be safe to check coordinates, because the ProseMirror DOM is now updated. However, the new React-based image node view throws a wrench in this understanding, because its contents are rendered asynchronously. This means that even after view.updateState() finishes executing, the contents of the <Image /> component may not have been committed to the DOM yet.

So we have a new to-do to add to our list: we need to find a way to keep our React-based node views in the same tree as our ProseMirror component. This will inevitably involve Portals — React’s approach to rendering a component’s children somewhere else in the browser DOM tree.

To-do list

Devise a system for deferring layout effects in child components until after the EditorView has updated its DOM

Ensure that ProseMirror’s state can only be accessed when it matches React’s state

Use React Portals to keep React-based node views in the same tree as their parent ProseMirror component.

This is the set of requirements that we armed ourselves with when we set out to implement the first version of our React ProseMirror library, @nytimes/react-prosemirror. We met our first two requirements by hiding the EditorView away in a context, and only exposing it via React hooks. These hooks (useEditorEffect, useEditorEventCallback, and useEditorEventListener) only ran after the EditorView was updated with the latest state, when it was safe to both access the EditorView’s state and inspect the DOM with methods like view.coordsAtPos().

The final requirement was somewhat more challenging, but in the end we managed to construct a system for mounting node view components with portals. We even managed to ensure that child node view components were always rendered as children of their parent’s node view components, allowing parents to pass context to their children, which other React/ProseMirror integrations don’t support.

Here’s how we’re able to implement our two basic editor features from earlier with @nytimes/react-prosemirror:

"use client";

import { ProseMirror, useNodeViews } from "@nytimes/react-prosemirror";

import { useLayoutEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";
import { EditorView } from "prosemirror-view";
import { EditorState } from "prosemirror-state";
import { doc } from "./doc";
import { plugins } from "./plugins";
import { image } from "./ImageNode";
import { PositionTooltip } from "./PositionTooltip";

const reactNodeViews = {

export function Editor() {
const [mount, setMount] = useState<HTMLDivElement | null>(null);
const { nodeViews, renderNodeViews } = useNodeViews(reactNodeViews);
const [editorState, setEditorState] = useState(() =>

return (
dispatchTransaction={(tr) => {
setEditorState((prev) => prev.apply(tr));
<div ref={setMount} />
<PositionTooltip />

Try it out!

This resolves all of our most glaring issues from earlier. The tooltip is always in the correct place, even when you add new content to the document. The image component is rendered in the main React tree, which means that the tooltip renders in the correct place when it’s selected, too (you can test that out by double-clicking the image to select it).

To-do list

Devise a system for deferring layout effects in child components until after the EditorView has updated its DOM

Ensure that ProseMirror’s state can only be accessed when it matches React’s state

Use React Portals to keep React-based node views in the same tree as their parent ProseMirror component.

Unfortunately, as we found when we released the library to the public, there were still a few subtle bugs that proved very challenging to address with this architecture.


It turned out, we’d walked head-first into a variation on ninety-ninety rule. Normally, the ninety-ninety rule is stated as follows:

The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time. The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time.

— Tom Cargill, Bell Labs

In our case, it’s more like “The first 90 percent of the solution accounts for the first 90 percent of the code. The remaining 10 percent of the solution accounts for the other 90 percent of the code.” We were so close to a robust integration between React and ProseMirror, but I was becoming increasingly convinced that our approach was fundamentally flawed. Let’s take a look at one of the bugs that was reported against the @nytimes/react-prosemirror library as an example.

import {
} from "@nytimes/react-prosemirror";
import { ChangeEvent } from "react";

function LeafNode({ node }: NodeViewComponentProps) {
const pos = useNodePos();
const handleTextChange = useEditorEventCallback(
(view, event: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
view.dispatch(, "text",,

return (
className="my-2 flex flex-col items-start gap-2 rounded bg-gray-800 p-2 text-white"
<p>{node.attrs.text || <br />}</p>
<div className="flex gap-4 text-black">
<input value={node.attrs.text} onChange={handleTextChange} />

export const leaf: ReactNodeViewConstructor = () => {
const dom = document.createElement("div");
return {
component: LeafNode,
stopEvent(e) {
return true;

Try it out!

We’ve introduced a new (somewhat contrived) node type. It’s a leaf node, so it doesn’t have any children, but it has an attribute called “text”. Whatever is in the text attribute will be rendered as text within the node view. Since this node doesn’t have any editable children, it renders a text input — when you edit the text input, it updates the node’s text attribute, and therefore updates the node’s rendered text.

Depending on how you tested out this node view, you may not have noticed the issue. As long as you make changes with your cursor at the end of the text input, everything works great! But try to make a change somewhere in the middle of the input. Did you see it? Your cursor will always get snapped to the end of the input after the first keypress!

In order to understand what’s happening here, we’ll need to walk through the sequence of events again.

  1. A user types something into the input.

  2. onChange is called, which calls dispatchTransaction, which updates the state of the ProseMirror component.

  3. The React tree renders because of the state update, but the EditorView’s state has not been updated yet, so all the node views still have references to the nodes from the previous render.

  4. The input, which is a descendant of the ProseMirror component, is rendered with the node from the old state, so its value is forcibly reset to the previous value (this resets the selection because React doesn’t really have any other good options).

  5. The useLayoutEffect in the ProseMirror component runs, updating the state on the EditorView.

  6. The EditorView calls the update methods on all of its node views, which triggers state updates for their nodes, and so the Image component and its input are re-rendered with the new, updated node value.

This was pretty disappointing — even after all that work, there was still state tearing happening! It was more subtle than before, because the state always settled immediately after the tear, and because the resolution occurred in a layout effect, the user never saw the torn state in the view. But there were still bugs like this that occurred in the edge cases.

It seemed like there was only one way out: to re-write ProseMirror’s rendering engine with React. At their core, all the state tearing issues that we’ve discussed are due to our usage of a layout effect to update the EditorView. We have to do it this way, or basic React functionality like Suspense will be broken. The only way to make it safe to update the EditorView in the render function would be if that update didn’t produce any side effects. But if the update doesn’t produce any side effects, what’s responsible for actually updating the view? Well, I thought, maybe the answer is React!

ProseMirror is a very modular framework, and prosemirror-view is the library responsible for actually rendering the editable document in the browser. At first, I thought that I could simply write an alternative prosemirror-view, but that turned out to be an immense undertaking. prosemirror-view does a lot. The selection management code alone could be its own library, full of browser-specific workarounds and handlers for dozens of edge cases.

There was another issue with re-writing prosemirror-view, too. Because ProseMirror’s EditorView is a JavaScript class, there is code throughout the ProseMirror-verse that occasionally checks to see whether something is an EditorView like this: maybeView instanceof EditorView. Even more commonly, developers that use Typescript will type arguments to, e.g., ProseMirror commands using EditorView as a type. Any solution that involved a fork of the EditorView class would break all of these cases, and I really, really wanted to create something that was compatible with as much existing ProseMirror code as possible.

So I needed to reuse the actual EditorView class from prosemirror-view, but I needed to change its functionality. What about a subclass? A subclass would allow me to override method implementations from the EditorView class with my own, but it would still pass instanceof checks and Typescript type checks.

Let’s give that a shot. The goal is to prevent any side effects from occurring within the constructor and the setProps method, so that we can safely call these during the render function.

To prevent side effects within the constructor, we’ll pass a stub document and empty mount to the superclass constructor, which will result in creating a few DOM nodes that aren’t attached to the HTML document. Technically this is a side effect, too, but it’s one that doesn’t have any user-facing impact, and it can be done any number of times safely. Then, we can clear out that stub DOM, and replace it with the DOM produced by our React renderer.

The setProps method will be more challenging. In this subclass, the goal will be to split up the functionality of setProps into two parts:

  1. A “pure” method, cleverly named pureSetProps, which will set the new props on the EditorView instance, but will not trigger any side effects.

  2. An “effectful” method, runPendingEffects, which will execute the side effects that are due from the latest pureSetProps call.

Notably, these pending side effects executed by runPendingEffects will not include DOM updates, because that will be handled by React! That means that, in addition to subclassing the EditorView, we’ll need to modify ProseMirror’s virtual DOM implementation, called the “view descriptor tree.” We’ll get to that in a minute!

export class ReactEditorView extends EditorView {
private shouldUpdatePluginViews = false;

private oldProps: DirectEditorProps;

private _props: DirectEditorProps;

place: { mount: HTMLElement } | null,
props: DirectEditorProps & { docView: NodeViewDesc }
) {
// Call the superclass constructor with an empty
// document and limited props. We'll set everything
// else ourselves.
super(place, {
state: EditorState.create({
schema: props.state.schema,
plugins: props.state.plugins,
plugins: props.plugins,

this.shouldUpdatePluginViews = true;

this._props = props;
this.oldProps = { state: props.state };
this.state = props.state;

this.domObserver = new SelectionDOMObserver(this);

this.editable = getEditable(this);

// Destroy the DOM created by the default
// ProseMirror ViewDesc implementation; we
// have a NodeViewDesc from React instead.
this.docView = props.docView;

* Like setProps, but without executing any side effects.
* Safe to use in a component render method.
pureSetProps(props: Partial<DirectEditorProps>) {
this._props = {
this.state = this._props.state;

this.editable = getEditable(this);

* Triggers any side effects that have been queued by previous
* calls to pureSetProps.
runPendingEffects() {
if (changedProps(this.props, this.oldProps)) {
const newProps = this.props;
this._props = this.oldProps;
this.state = this._props.state;

update(props: DirectEditorProps) {
// Ensure that side effects aren't re-triggered until
// pureSetProps is called again
this.oldProps = props;

updatePluginViews(prevState?: EditorState) {
if (this.shouldUpdatePluginViews) {

// We want to trigger the default EditorView cleanup, but without
// the actual view.dom cleanup (which React will have already handled).
// So we give the EditorView a dummy DOM element and ask it to clean up
destroy() {
this.dom = document.createElement("div");

Our subclass’s constructor takes a “docView” prop as an argument. This isn’t something that the superclass takes as an argument — the superclass is responsible for constructing and managing its own docView. The docView is the view descriptor tree that we mentioned earlier — ProseMirror’s virtual DOM implementation. A big difference between ProseMirror’s virtual DOM and React’s is that when ProseMirror updates its virtual DOM, each individual view descriptor updates its own corresponding DOM nodes immediately. Since our goal is to have those DOM nodes managed by React, we need to prevent that behavior. So we produce our own view descriptor tree, compatible with the ProseMirror view descriptor API, but with a no-op update implementation.

The view descriptor implementations are somewhat complex and verbose, but here’s a relatively simple one (the view descriptor for a given ProseMirror node) to demonstrate the principle.

// Node view descs are the main, most common type of view desc, and
// correspond to an actual node in the document. Unlike mark descs,
// they populate their child array themselves.
export class NodeViewDesc extends ViewDesc {
parent: ViewDesc | undefined,
children: ViewDesc[],
getPos: () => number,
public node: Node,
public outerDeco: readonly Decoration[],
public innerDeco: DecorationSource,
dom: DOMNode,
contentDOM: HTMLElement | null,
public nodeDOM: DOMNode,
public stopEvent: (event: Event) => boolean,
public selectNode: () => void,
public deselectNode: () => void
) {
super(parent, children, getPos, dom, contentDOM);

// This always does nothing and returns true. The actual
// DOM updates are handled by React.
_node: Node,
_outerDeco: readonly Decoration[],
_innerDeco: DecorationSource,
_view: EditorView
) {
return true;

updateOuterDeco() {
// pass

node: Node,
outerDeco: readonly Decoration[],
innerDeco: DecorationSource
) {
return (
this.dirty == NOT_DIRTY &&
node.eq(this.node) &&
sameOuterDeco(outerDeco, this.outerDeco) &&
(innerDeco as InternalDecorationSource).eq(this.innerDeco)

get size() {
return this.node.nodeSize;

get border() {
return this.node.isLeaf ? 0 : 1;

get domAtom() {
return this.node.isAtom;

Why not just drop the view descriptors? Doesn’t React have it’s own virtual DOM?

At one point, I looked into abandoning ProseMirror’s view descriptor tree. It turns out, a very significant amount of ProseMirror’s view functionality is baked deeply into the view descriptors, and ProseMirror view code assumes that it’s there. This is integral to how ProseMirror’s selection management works, as well as methods like view.coordsAtPos.

Then came the true challenge: re-implementing ProseMirror’s DOM update algorithm in React. For each view descriptor type (doc node, node, mark, widget, and text), we needed a React component that would implement the same behavior as the default EditorView. Then, we needed a series of components for rendering widget decorations in the correct place and wrapping nodes in marks and decorators. I ended up porting the entire prosemirror-view test suite over to ensure I hadn’t missed anything (spoiler alert: I had, there are more tests now).

Walking through this new React implementation is too deep for even this very deep blog post, but anyone interested should take a look at the implementation on GitHub. For now, let’s just take a look at how we can use this new approach, published as @handlewithcare/react-prosemirror, to implement all of our previously problematic features without any state tearing!

Try it out!

This is a rich text editor

This is a leaf node

Want to see more? Check out the full editor demo on GitHub Pages!

This new library has some additional wins over the old one. It has support for server-side rendering, for one thing. It’s also very performant, even for very long documents with large numbers of custom node views. That was its own set of challenges, and will likely earn its own blog post some day soon! For now, give @handlewithcare/react-prosemirror a shot, and let me know what you think!